I realized a few days ago that I am not getting enough calories into my system. For a new mommy feeding her baby, this is a serious issue. The problem really is that I got so used to NOT eating during the pregnancy, it's hard to get back into the habit of eating. So, I drink a lot. Not THAT kind of drinking (well, it was a holiday last week, boy 4 glasses of wine for Tu' b'shevat is a LOT!) But really I drink lots of milk, yogurt, juice, etc. The real confession is that I also drink a lot of SHOCK. If you've never been to Israel, you can't appreciate that last statement at all. SHOCK is a brand of chocolate milk here, and everyone drinks it, even infants in their bottles (not my infant, but most kids). It is sooo yummy, they must put crack in it, because I literally crave it daily. And I thought cravings ended in the delivery room...
So the Awwwww part of the title is how cute my kid is, despite my poor nutritive habits. My Aunt sent money to buy her some things and I went to the mall that is near my house to my favorite baby boutique, Yaldootee (lit. Childish). There are two types of kid's clothes here. Super-cheap throw away clothes and boutique-adorable-but-too-expensive clothes. I believe firmly in the statement that "Cheap is expensive" so I shop at the nice places so the clothes will last through my child-bearing years. But this time I got lucky, because all the clothes were 50% off! woo hoo!
So I got a little bit of this:

Because it totally makes her look like the "Roaming Gnome" when she's in the carrier with the hood up

And this because it's warm and purple, which my mother declared when she first saw her was "her color" and it has been ever since.

These pants for sleeping in (BTW doesn't she totally look like Karate Kid in this Picture? I never planned that)

These pants, because, dang, I have a total soft spot for printed courderoy and I loved the color scheme

and, finally, this because every baby needs a velour track suit, right? (this one was too small. we returned it for a bigger size)
Yep, I got me one cute, photogenic kid.